Work conditions « Entitlement to Universal credit « Guidance « Universal Credit

Universal credit: Work conditions

Universal Credit claimants will be expected to do what they can to establish and maintain an adequate level of earnings. Claimants will be expected to do this by meeting the work-related requirements relevant to the work-related group they have been placed in. Those who are unable to carry out any work-related requirements, for example because they are severely disabled, may be placed in the no work requirements group.

Work related requirements
Work related groups

Work related requirements

There are four basic types of work related requirement that can be imposed depending on which work condition group (see below) the claimant has been placed in:

Failure to carry out a work-related requirement can result in a reduction of UC and possible sanctions. See further Advice for Decision Makers guidance (ADM) Chapters K1 – K9.

DWP Advice for Decision Making (ADM) Chapter J3 explains in detail what is expected for each requirement.

Work related groups

The requirements that are imposed on any individual will be dependent on their own particular circumstances and what DWP can reasonably expect of them. To do this DWP will assess claimants into one of the following work related groups which will control which of the work related requirements can  and cannot be imposed.

Where a person is part of a couple, each member of the couple will have their own requirements. They may be placed into separate groups.

DWP Advice for Decision Making (ADM) Chapter J2 explains in detail who falls into each of the groups.

Last reviewed/updated 23 May 2023