Forms, notices and checklists « How do child benefit and guardian’s allowance work? « Guidance « Child Benefit

Child Benefit and Guardian’s Allowance: Forms, notices and checklists

Below you will find copies of current HMRC forms, notices and checklists relating to child benefit.

This is an on-line version of the child benefit claim form. It can be completed on screen and printed out. It will still need to be posted to the child benefit office, at the address printed on the form. You can find further information on what to do before you start and what else to send with the child benefit claim form on the GOV.UK website.

If you prefer, there is also an option to print the form and then fill it in at home.

If your client’s preferred language is welsh, they can print out and then complete the welsh version of the claim form - CH2 (Welsh)

This form is used as an extension to the child benefit claim form because the paper version has only enough space for two children/young persons. Use this form if your client wants to claim for three or more children/young persons. You do not need this form if your client is completing the online claim form, as that allows an unlimited number of children/young persons to be included. This form can not be used in isolation to add additional children/young persons to an existing child benefit award, in those circumstances a fresh claim for the additional child/young person should be made.

The latest version of the CH2 notes. The notes show each page of the claim form and include information about how to complete it. It is advisable to keep a copy of the notes that were issued with any claim form which is submitted. If your client’s preferred language is welsh, they view the welsh version of the claim form notes - CH2 Notes (Welsh)

This form is used to apply for an extension of child benefit, for up to 20 weeks, for young people who have left full-time non advanced education or approved training

This appeal form can be used to submit an appeal. Normally, an appeal has to be made within one month of the decision. See our section on submitting an appeal for more information.

This is the authority form that must be used by intermediaries who wish to act on behalf of child benefit claimants. It is generally used by intermediaries such as Citizens Advice, Local Authority welfare rights and other voluntary advice agencies. You can find out more about the different ways of representing child benefit claimants in the acting on behalf of someone else section. This form can only be completed on screen.

See also -

Last reviewed/updated 1 July 2022