External commentary « What does the law mean? « Guidance « Tax Credits

Tax Credits: External commentary

This section of the site contains links to information about tax credits written by other, non-governmental organisations.

If your organisation produces tax credits material please let us know and we will include it below.

Low Incomes Tax Reform Group

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is an initiative of the Chartered Institute of Taxation to give a voice to the unrepresented in the tax and tax credits systems.

The LITRG website also has a news section where articles are posted about various tax and tax credits subjects. You can sign-up for news alerts on the LITRG website.


rightsnet website (www.rightsnet.org.uk) provides a daily news and case law update service.

rightsnet also has a discussion forum where advisers can get case work support and share and network with other advisers across the UK, and a daily email newsletter.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice publish online information for adviers. 

Child Poverty Action Group

CPAG have a dedicated tax credits section on their website for advisers.

CPAG (England and Wales) also produce e-bulletin tax credits updates for advisers. The e-bulletins are published on the CPAG website and you can sign up to receive them via email.

CPAG (Scotland) also produce e-bulletin tax credits updates for advisers, which are published on the CPAG Scotland website.

CPAG also publish (both in hard copy and online) the Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook which has several tax credits chapters which explore the system in greater detail.


Turn2us is a charitable service which helps people access the money available to them through welfare benefits, grants and other help.

The charity produces a benefits calculator and also information on a range of topics including tax credits.

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK is a charity which works to relieve the poverty and improve the living standards of disabled people.

The DRUK website includes several sections with information about tax credits specifically for disabled people.


Gingerbread are a charity that supports single parents. They produce a wide range of information for single parents on benefits and tax credits. A full list of publications is on the Gingerbread website.

Advice NI

Advice NI is an independent advice network based in Northern Ireland. They offer an advice service for NI residents on tax and tax credits as well as other benefits.

Entitled To

Entitled To provide a comprehensive benefits calculator that includes tax credits.

Last reviewed/updated 2 May 2023