Universal credit consultations « Policy « Universal Credit

Universal credit consultations

Previous consultations

The Committee launched an inquiry into the Benefit Cap and how it affects British Households. The deadline for written submissions was 7 April 2017.

The Committee asked for submissions that answered the following questions:

Due to the general election on 8 June 2017, the Committee closed the inquiry. However, they did publish written evidence received in response to the inquiry on their website.

Following compelling evidence of the problems in the roll-out of UC in its recent follow-up work, the Committee re-launched its inquiry and was accepting written submissions up to 20 March 2017. The Committee were interested in submissions that answer the following questions:

This consultation sought views on two UC flexibilities – managed payments of rent to landlords and more frequent payments of UC. The closing date for responses was 13 March 2017.

In June 2017, the Scottish Government published a response to the consultation and an analysis of responses.

The Government's response states that they have made a number of changes to the draft regulations based on the responses received. As a result they have:

The new regulations will come into effect on 4 October 2017. 

Last reviewed/updated 1 July 2022