Legislation and guidance on self-employment « Self-employment « Entitlement to Universal credit « Guidance « Universal Credit

Self-employment: Legislation and guidance on self-employment

The main detailed guidance about self-employment under Universal Credit can be found in the DWP’s ADM, Chapter H4.

The legislation is found in the Universal Credit Regulations, SI .No.376/2013 (as amended)

The Universal Credit (Surpluses and Self-employed Losses) (Digital Service) Amendment Regulations 2015, as amended, including The Universal Credit (Miscellaneous Amendments, Saving and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2018

Chapter 2, Reg.51 et seq provides the introduction to the general principles covering ‘earned income’, with the main regulations covering self-employed earnings in particular found at Reg. 57 et seq.

DWP have also produced a fact-sheet providing information for claimants and their advisers on self-employment and UC. This was last updated in 2016 and so does not cover the current rules on surplus earnings and losses for self-employed claimants.

Last reviewed/updated 1 July 2022