Tax-Free Childcare and other childcare support « Guidance « Tax-free childcare

Tax-Free Childcare: Tax-Free Childcare and other childcare support

There are various interactions between Tax-Free Childcare and other childcare schemes. It is important that people check how their existing childcare support interacts with TFC before they make a claim for TFC. Similarly, anyone in receipt of TFC should check interactions before they apply for any other form of childcare support.

In order to be an eligible person for TFC, there are 8 eligibility conditions that apply. Three of those conditions relate to the receipt of certain benefits and other childcare support. In summary, neither the TFC claimant nor their partner:

In addition, if a tax credit claimant makes a declaration of eligibility for TFC, their tax credit award will be terminated immediately and HMRC say they will not be able to make a new claim for tax credits.

Use the links below to see how claiming TFC interacts with different schemes:

Employer support childcare
30-hour free childcare 
Other childcare schemes (including universal credit and tax credits)

Last reviewed/updated 3 July 2024