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Tax Credits: Archived forms, notices and checklists

Below you will find historical versions of tax credits forms, notices and checklists. These can be useful for disputes, complaints and appeals that relate to earlier years. We will continue to add materials as they become available.

SE Helpcard

TC600 claim form notes

These are the notes that accompany the TC600 claim form.

TC600 Checklist

Disability Checklist (October 2012)

This checklist has been developed for advisers to provide clearer information about the disability element in tax credits. It should be used in addition to the TC600 claim form notes.

TC956 disability help sheet

The disability help sheet lists the 3 conditions for the disability element of tax credits.

TC602SN – checklist

This checklist is sent with award notices to help claimants check that the notice is correct.

TC603R renewal pack notes for annual review

Sample Renewal notice (auto-renewal cases) – Spring 2012

TC603RD renewal pack notes for annual review and declaration

Sample Renewal notice (reply required cases) – Spring 2012


TC825 income worksheet

This form is provided by HMRC to help claimants work out their income for tax credits.


Ending your tax credits award because of a claim for Universal Credit.


TC846 dispute tax credits overpayment

WTC/AP (TC23) – Appeal form

Last reviewed/updated 4 May 2022