I am a holder of ITIN - CalEITC4Me.
itin holder

我是 ITIN 持有者

没有社会安全号码? 没问题!

From the 2020 tax year, California will expand the scope of the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) and Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) to include applicants with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), including undocumented workers. ITIN holders may now be eligible for CalEITC and YCTC.


  • 如果您申领 CalEITC,您最多可以获得 285 美元
  • 如果您有孩子或家属,您可以获得更多 如果您有一个孩子,您最多可以获得 1,900 美元。更大的家庭有资格获得更多。
  • 如果您的孩子有社会安全号码,您也可能有资格通过联邦儿童税收抵免获得更多

注意:根据美国公民及移民服务局公共负担规则,税收抵免(如 CalEITC 和 EITC)不被视为公共福利。

If you do not yet have an ITIN or need to update your ITIN, the process to apply for or update your ITIN is as follows:

  1. 填写 W-7 表格
  2.  提供原始证明文件以建立身份
  3. 将填妥的 W-7 表格与美国纳税申报表一起邮寄至:

Internal Revenue Service
ITIN Operation
P.O. Box 149342
Austin, TX 78714-9342

Our community organization offers free assistance with ITIN applications. These certified experts can help you prepare the W-7 form, gather the necessary documents, and verify your identity. For more information, please visit our community organization's website. IRS.gov

如果您有任何其他问题,如果您在美国,可以拨打美国国税局的免费电话 800-829-1040。