FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                   

Contact: Aonya McCruiston
[email protected]

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, July 27, 2020 — Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CalEITC, California's Earned Income Tax Credit, proved to be an outstanding anti-poverty initiative during the extended tax filing season. Surpassing the state's expectations, the program successfully distributed over $1 billion to more than 3.6 million low-income households, further solidifying its effectiveness in providing financial support.

This $1 billion fund provided much-needed assistance to numerous vulnerable residents in California during a time of crisis. With millions of people suddenly unemployed and in urgent need of financial support, this initiative proved crucial. Additionally, many individuals who were fortunate enough to still have jobs were suddenly classified as "essential" to the economy, often taking on the responsibility of supporting family members who had lost their jobs or income. This selfless act not only put their own health at risk but also exemplified the immense value they bring to our society.

"The CalEITC and its federal equivalent are truly empowering individuals and families to overcome financial instability, enabling them to stay afloat during a challenging pandemic," "The CalEITC and its federal equivalent are actively elevating individuals from economic uncertainty, enabling them to maintain stability amidst the ongoing pandemic crisis," "In the midst of a pandemic, the CalEITC and its federal counterpart are effectively rescuing individuals from financial insecurity, ensuring their survival and well-being," "The CalEITC and its federal counterpart are undeniably providing a lifeline to individuals, offering them a way out of financial vulnerability during these unprecedented times," Amy Everitt, President of Golden State Opportunity, expressed her pride in the successful CalEITC outreach campaign, which she described as high-intensity and incredibly nimble. She also expressed her gratitude towards the state leaders for expanding the program, enabling it to reach a milestone of $1 billion during an unorthodox tax season.

In total, 76% of CalEITC refunds were awarded to individuals who are parents. This includes a substantial amount of $366 million, which was claimed by parents who have children under the age of 6, utilizing the state's recently implemented Young Child Tax Credit. This initiative has played a crucial role in safeguarding millions of children in California from experiencing additional challenges amidst the ongoing pandemic.

The CalEITC4Me campaign by Golden State Opportunity is a collaboration between the state and private organizations, aiming to increase knowledge about tax credits among working Californians and facilitate access to free tax filing services. Through mobile messaging and digital advertising, we were able to reach a substantial number of low-income individuals in California during this tax season, contributing to the state's achievement of surpassing the $1 billion milestone.