چیست EITC - CalEITC4Me
What is the EITC

چیست؟ EITC

Income tax credits are available for individuals who have low to moderate income. As a result, you may be eligible for cash refunds or tax credit reductions. There are two types of EITC: California Earned Income Tax Credit and Federal Earned Income Tax Credit.


You qualify for CalEITC if you meet the following conditions: You are eligible for CalEITC if you meet the following requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old or have a child to qualify.
  • If your earnings are $30,950 or less
تعداد فرزندان واجد شرایط
حداکثر درآمد کالیفرنیا
CalEITC (تا سقف)
EITC فدرال(تا سقف)*
اعتبار مالیاتی کودکان
3 یا بیشتر



  • Parents may also be eligible for other credits, such as the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC).
  • ITIN holders are eligible to receive CalEITC and Child Tax Credit in California.
  • Religions with ITIN numbers can claim federal tax credits for their American citizen children.

Use our calculator to determine if you qualify and estimate your credit limit.

اعتبار مالیاتی EITC فدرال

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit for working individuals with low to moderate income. Unlike CalEITC, only individuals with a Social Security number are eligible to receive it. If you qualify, you may receive a reduced tax bill or a larger tax refund. In fact, you'll have more money in your pocket to buy the things you need.
Individuals who are single or married, with or without children, can apply for this credit. The main requirement is that the person must be employed and have income.

  • You are eligible for the federal EITC if: - You meet the conditions of the federal EITC. - You are eligible for the federal EITC.
  • You (or your spouse, if filing a joint statement) must be at least 19 years old or older.
  • You (or your spouse, if presenting a joint statement) and each of your eligible children must have a Social Security number; and you (or your spouse, if presenting a joint statement) and each of your eligible children must have a Social Security number.
  • More than half of the tax year, your primary residence (or your spouse's if filing jointly) should be in the United States; and more than half of the tax year, your primary residence (or your spouse's if filing jointly) should be in the United States.
  • Another person, excluding your spouse (or presenting a joint declaration), has not introduced you as a dependent child or a qualifying child for tax credit; and another person, excluding your spouse (or presenting a joint declaration), has not introduced you as a dependent child or a qualifying child for tax credit;
  • You should not be married to register your tax statement separately; and you should not be married to register your tax statement separately;
  • If your income from investment is $10,000 or less in the fiscal year; and if your income from investment is $10,000 or less
  • The income should be at least $1 and not exceed the amounts below:
تعداد فرزندان
Single workers with an income less than: Single workers with an income lower than:
Married workers with lower income earn less than married workers with lower income
EITC تا سقف
3 یا بیشتر

Was I eligible last year? Was I eligible last year?

Did you know that if you realize that you were eligible for tax credits in previous years but did not take action on it, you can amend your tax return up to three years ago?
Good news! You can still receive this refundable credit. By reviewing the graph below, you can determine whether you were eligible in 2022 and the amount you received.

The number of children or relatives you claimed in your tax return
Maximum AGI (Annual Gross Income) for individual taxpayers, head of household, or widowed individuals.
The maximum AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) limit for joint married filing is as follows:

نکته :

  • The EITC has specific federal laws for members of the military, clergy, and certain individuals with disabilities.
  • Tax credits like CalEITC and EITC are not calculated under general benefits and do not create any issues for your citizen services and immigration in the United States.