Are you 18 or older, earning $30,950 or less per year, and filing your own taxes (not dependent on another person)? You may be eligible for CalEITC! Utilize our calculator to determine your eligibility and calculate the amount of your credit.
If you have children, you may be eligible for a larger credit, and if your child is under 6 years old, you can receive up to an additional $1,117 refund from the money with your taxes for minor children.
If you are a student or currently paying off student debt, you may also be eligible for If you are a student or currently paying off student debt, you may also be eligible for. beneficios tributarios de educación.
¿Cómo declaro mis impuestos?
Young adults frequently utilize IRS Free File to prepare their taxes for free, receive free tax filing, and enjoy free direct deposit. Find assistance in preparing your taxes here. aquí.
Is this your first time filing taxes? Here's what you need to have on hand:
Social Security number or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) – Social Security number or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
Salary and income information, e.g., W-2 form or Form 1099, including taxable school scholarships or grants, are included.
Documentation for all tax credits and deductions
Bank account and routing number for direct deposit of your refund.