Select Committee launch new inquiry – Employment support for Carers « Blog « Revenue Benefits

21 November 2017

Select Committee launch new inquiry – Employment support for Carers

The Work and Pensions Committee has launched an inquiry into employment support for carers.

Rt Hon Frank Field MP, Chair of the Committee, said: "There are millions of unpaid carers in this country doing vital work, ever more so with the pressures on the social care budget. We want to hear from carers and their employers about the realities of juggling caring duties with paid employment, and the kinds of practical ways we can help to get, and keep, people in the paid work they want while crucially ensuring their friends, relatives, and loved ones can continue to receive the best possible care."

The Committee is calling for evidence, in particular on some or all of the following questions, and they are particularly keen to hear from anyone involved in the pilots announced by the Government in 2015 aimed at exploring ways to help carers balance employment with their caring responsibilities. The pilots have now concluded. 

And of the pilots -

Information about the inquiry and submission details are available on the GOV.UK website