Health and Work Conversation (HWC) techniques to be used in UC interviews « Blog « Revenue Benefits

21 November 2017

Health and Work Conversation (HWC) techniques to be used in UC interviews

In response to a written question from David Lammy MP, the Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Sarah Newton MP, confirms that Health and Work Conversation techniques, currently rolled out in ESA, will be used in UC mandatory interviews to support UC claimants. She confirmed ‘We have rolled out the Health and Work Conversation (HWC) to Employment and Support Allowance claimants. Whilst taking part in the HWC will be mandatory for the majority of individuals there are extensive safeguards in place. There are clear exemptions for claimants where it would be inappropriate for them to attend. Work coaches also have the flexibility to defer the HWC if the claimant cannot attend due to temporary circumstances.

All Universal Credit claimants are expected to attend mandatory interviews prior to the work capability assessment where it is reasonable to do so. From late Autumn work coaches will use the Health and Work Conversation techniques to support claimants in discussions with claimants.'

The written answer is available on the Parliament UK website