Contact us « Revenue Benefits

Contact us

We're really interested in your feedback about revenuebenefits. Do use the form below to tell us if you found the website helpful.

Please note that we are not able to offer advice. If you are an advice worker, try posting a message in the rightsnet discussion forum.

Looking for information about your own rights to benefits or tax credits?

We cannot provide assistance to individuals looking for information about their own rights and strongly urge you to contact a local advice centre to get the assistance you need. Please try to find details of advice services in your area.

Please note, we are not part of HM Revenue and Customs or any other government department.

If you need to contact HMRC about anything to do with your claim, you will need to contact them directly. If you want to contact HMRC, please call 0345 300 3900 for tax credits issues or 0300 200 3100 for child benefit issues. You can also find other methods of contacting HMRC, including HMRC’s on-line services, on the GOV.UK website.

Get in touch

Please fill out the form to get in touch, providing your full name and the name of your organisation. If we need to reply to you we will write to the email address you provide below.

Please read our privacy policy, about the use we make of the information you provide to us.