Withdrawal of HMRC 0845 telephone numbers « Blog « Revenue Benefits

1 September 2014

Withdrawal of HMRC 0845 telephone numbers

HMRC began to replace their series of 0845 helpline telephone numbers with 03 numbers some time ago. During the transitional period both sets of telephone numbers were active, with the intention to eventually close the 0845 lines in preference for the 03 numbers which are widely regarded as cheaper for most callers.

HMRC advise that use of the old 0845 helpline telephone numbers has declined and they will now be completely withdrawn from December 2014. You can read HMRC's message about the withdrawal of HMRC 0845 telelphone numbers here.

From late August customers calling HMRC using an 0845 number will hear a message letting them know that the line will be closing and publicising the replacement 03 number.  The call will still be dealt with and customers will go through to an adviser when necessary. 

In December 2014, callers will hear a message saying the line has closed and stating the replacement 03 number which the customer can call instead. Once the 0845 line is closed calls made using that number will not be dealt with.

Customers calling from outside the UK can continue to use the geographic numbers (prefix +44 1 or +44 2) provided for such calls.

HMRC advise that most of their forms, leaflets and other material have been updated with the new telephone numbers, with just a small number of forms yet to be updated.