Universal Credit managed migration pilot suspended « Blog « Revenue Benefits

30 March 2020

Universal Credit managed migration pilot suspended

DWP have temporarily suspended work on the managed migration pilot while they prioritise work on processing universal credit claims and payments during the current coronavirus (Covid -19) outbreak.

For the time being DWP will not engage with any new claimants to bring them into the 'Move to UC' journey (managed migration).

People who have already had intial 'warm-up' conversations with DWP about moving to UC but who have not yet had a migration notice, have been told that they are not expected to move to UC at present. DWP have explained they will contact them again in due course when business as usual resumes.

For people who have already been issued with a migration notice but have not yet moved to UC, DWP have contacted them to explain that their migration notice has been withdrawn, that DWP do not expect them to move to UC for the time being and that DWP will contact them in due course when business as usual resumes. These people will also receive a migration withdrawal notice by post.

Those who have already moved to UC under the pilot will continue to be monitored and supported by DWP for the first few months of their UC claim, as planned.