Universal Credit -  Advance Payments « Blog « Revenue Benefits

24 October 2017

Universal Credit -  Advance Payments

Following his comments at the recent Conservative Party conference and subsequent correspondence, the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, the Rt Hon David Gauke MP, has written to the Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee to provide a copy of the refreshed guidance for staff regarding advance payments of universal credit.

The guidance states ‘‘Claimants should be made aware that advances are available to them if they are in financial need. To establish if the claimant has a financial need and requires an advance they should then be asked if they have enough money to live on until the first payment of Universal Credit is due. This might be money from savings, earnings, redundancy payments or support from the claimant or partner’s parents, family or friends. If the answer is no, then a claimant should be offered an advance.

A copy of the letter can be found on the Parliament UK website