Tax-free childcare « Blog « Revenue Benefits

15 January 2018

Tax-free childcare

From 15 January 2018, Tax-Free Childcare opens to parents whose youngest child is under 9, or who turns 9 on 15 January 2018.
HMRC have also announced that on 14 February 2018, the scheme will open to all remaining eligible families with children under 12.

Parents, including those who are self-employed, can apply online for Tax-Free Childcare by visiting the Childcare Choices website.

Parents can also access the government’s childcare calculator through Childcare Choices, which helps parents work out which government childcare support is best for them. Anyone already claiming tax credits or universal credit who wishes to claim tax-free childcare may wish to discuss their situation with a welfare rights specialist before applying for tax-free childcare as that will automatically bring their tax credits or universal credit claim to an end.

There is more information about tax-free childcare on the GOV.UK website.