Request a tax credit claim form on-line « Blog « Revenue Benefits

20 April 2015

Request a tax credit claim form on-line

We’re now in the standard tax credit annual renewal period which runs between April and July each year and, as usual, many claimants will be contacting HMRC to renew their tax credit claims. This is in addition to those contacting for more routine matters such as notifying changes and requesting claim forms. Although there is to be a more enhanced on-line renewal service for claimants looking to renew this year, HMRC still expect their tax credit telephone line to be particularly busy during this period.

To improve their service, HMRC have re-introduced an option which allows people to request a new tax credit claim form on-line. We recommend anyone looking to make a fresh claim should run through HMRC’s ‘Do I qualify’ questionnaire ( or HMRC’s tax credits calculator ( first and the on-line claim form request service is available at the end of either of those links. However, even if those tools suggest there may be no entitlement if the claimant’s circumstances are complicated then they may wish to submit a claim anyway or they may wish to make a protective claim to protect themselves against future falls in income. For those who wish to go directly to the on-line claim form request page, the link is here.