New universal credit postcode web tool « Blog « Revenue Benefits

27 July 2016

New universal credit postcode web tool

Today we have launched our new web tool

As you may know, since 2013 universal credit has been rolling out and will eventually fully replace working tax credit, child tax credit, income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance and housing benefit.

However the roll-out is progressing very slowly by postcode area. To complicate matters further, two different systems are running alongside each other, and the rules about who can claim universal credit are different under each. As the full (digital) service rolls out, HMRC will no longer accept tax credit claims for people under state pension credit age in those areas. It can be very confusing for both claimants and advisers to understand the position and also how existing claimants will be affected.

As a result, and to help people check whether they are eligible to submit a claim for universal credit in their post code area as well as the status of tax credit and other benefit claims, we have created

Simply enter a postcode and the tool will tell you:

Other advice agencies and websites can also make use of our widget which allows you to add the postcode tool to your own website.

We hope you find the new tool useful. If you have any feedback, please contact us.