Consultation on passported benefits under Universal Credit « Blog « Revenue Benefits

21 November 2017

Consultation on passported benefits under Universal Credit

The Department for Education has launched a consultation about the eligibility for children currently receiving additional support from the government during their education, such as free school meals and additional school funding, in light of the national roll out of Universal Credit

The Minister for Children and Families, Robert Goodwill MP said ‘ We want every child to reach their potential, regardless of their background. As Universal Credit is rolled out, it is right that we continue to make sure this support reaches children from the most disadvantaged families. Our proposals should not only protect those children already receiving free school meals and additional school funding but will see thousands more benefitting from this support in future. This is an important issue and we need to get this right to make sure we continue to help those children most in need. That’s why it is vital that we hear from teachers, early years professionals and families throughout this consultation.

The proposals include:

This consultation is about these entitlements in England only. (Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have responsibility for establishing their own criteria for these entitlements).

The consultation is open until 11 January 2018 and the documents are available on the GOV.UK website