Cost of living payment - tax credit claimants « Blog « Revenue Benefits

13 November 2023

Cost of living payment - tax credit claimants

HMRC have confirmed that eligible claimants who receive tax credits and no other qualifying DWP benefits will start to receive their second 2023-24 Cost of Living Payment of £300 from Friday 10 November.

The Cost of Living Payments are automatic and claimants do not need to contact HMRC to apply for them.

The payment will appear in claimants' bank accounts as “HMRC COLS”. This is the term HMRC use to refer to Cost of Living support.  

HMRC say that that if someone is expecting this Cost of Living Payment and hasn't received it by 19 November, they should wait until the following day at the earliest, 20 November, to contact HMRC. This is to allow time for payment to be processed by their bank, building society or credit union.  

A further Cost of Living Payment will be made by Spring 2024. Details about this, including who will be eligible, will be published on GOV.UK closer to the payment dates.