Coronavirus - Universal Credit childcare support UPDATE « Blog « Revenue Benefits

21 May 2020

Coronavirus - Universal Credit childcare support UPDATE

DWP have updated their position regarding childcare support for universal credit claimants. From Wednesday 13th May, childminders can open to non-critical workers but in a limited way under strict new measures. Up to 13 May childcare had only been open to children of critical workers and vulnerable children.

From May 13th, childminders and nannies are allowed to offer paid childcare to children of non-critical workers but only if they are caring for children from the same household. 

Following this further lockdown easement, the position with Universal Credit claimants is that if they can access registered childcare (whether or not they are critical or non-critical workers), they can claim help towards their childcare costs through their universal credit claim and it will be paid as part of their universal credit award in the normal way.

More information about childcare and universal credit is available on DWP’s Understanding Universal Credit website