Changes to tax credits postal address for changes and complaints « Blog « Revenue Benefits

20 March 2017

Changes to tax credits postal address for changes and complaints

HMRC are in the process of changing the way they handle items posted to them. They have the postal addressto be used for people writing in about either complaints or changes of circumstances.

The previous postal address for complaints and changes of circumstances was:

Complaints and Changes of circumstances (mark your letter either ‘Complaint’ or ‘Change of circumstances’)

HMRC – Tax Credit Office



The new address for complaints and changes of circumstances is:

Complaints and Changes of circumstances (mark your letter either ‘Complaint’ or ‘Change of circumstances’)

HMRC – Tax Credit Office


HMRC electronically scan most items of post they receive about tax credits and have confirmed they will internally re-direct any post which is sent to the wrong tax credit postal address, although in some cases that may mean just a scanned image is re-directed.

HMRC will be changing other tax credit addresses from April 2017 and we will update this blog with further details.