Autumn Statement 25 November 2015 « Blog « Revenue Benefits

27 November 2015

Autumn Statement 25 November 2015

In his Autumn Statement on 25 November, 2015, the Chancellor announced that the main cuts to tax credits which were to take effect from April 2016, will not now go ahead. Those cuts would have involved reducing the income thresholds and increasing the taper rate and this decision means the tax credit income thresholds and taper rate will remain unchanged at their current levels from April 2016.

This is good news for tax credit claimants but there are other changes which are still planned to take effect from April 2016. These are:

Additionally, the changes planned for April 2017 are still expected to go ahead. These changes include, from April 2017:

You can read more about the Autumn Statement 2015 in our article on the LITRG website