我是否有资格获得加州收入所得税抵免 (CalEITC)?If you are 18 years of age or have a qualified dependent (even if you are under 18), and your income in 2021 is less than $30,000, you may be eligible for CalEITC when filing your state tax return. California residents who file taxes using an ITIN (including undocumented residents) are eligible to apply for CalEITC and YCTC.

我是否有资格获得加州幼儿税收抵免 (YCTC)?If you are eligible for CalEITC and your child is under 6 years old by December 31, 2021, then you qualify for the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC). The YCTC amount can go up to $1000.

如果我有资格获得 CalEITC,我是否有资格获得联邦 EITC?Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) applicants are not eligible for federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), but they are eligible for the CalEITC credit.

我有两份工作并获得 1099 表格来报告我的收入——这算不算?Yes. 1099 income is included in federal EITC, CalEITC, and child tax credits. Yes. 1099 income is factored in for federal EITC, CalEITC, and child tax credit deductions.

如何在我附近找到免费的报税服务?使用我们的免费报税查找工具查找您附近的报税服务。[free tx prep finder]

在提交纳税申报表时,我如何保护自己免受欺诈或支付超出应有的金额?To safeguard yourself from fraud, you have the option to file your taxes at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) locations with certified tax preparers. VITA begins its services on February 1st, and you can utilize our free tax locator to find a VITA near you.

我如何确定我是否有资格获得免费的报税准备和帮助?If you are eligible for EITC, you are eligible for free filing and free in-person tax assistance through the VITA program. VITA is also available for individuals with household incomes of up to $57,000, disabled persons, and limited English-speaking taxpayers, even if they do not qualify for EITC.

我的福利(例如 CalWorks、CalFresh 或残疾)会算作收入吗?No! Applying for tax exemptions will not affect any other public benefits you may be eligible for. Tax exemptions, such as CalEITC and EITC, are not considered public benefits by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

如果我有任何先前的定罪记录,我是否仍有资格获得此抵免?是的! 犯罪记录不会影响您申请 EITC、CalEITC 或幼儿税收抵免的能力。

即使我多年未提交纳税申报表并且可能欠税,我是否应该申请抵免?如果您想申请您的 EITC,您必须提交纳税申报表。


  • 当前照片身份证明
  • 您和您家人的社会安全卡或个人纳税人识别号 (ITIN) 表格
  • 上一年的纳税申报表(如果有)
  • 作废的支票或银行对账单,以便直接存入您的退款
  • 每项工作的工资(W-2)
  • 预支儿童税收抵免(IRS 信函 6419)
  • 您的第三次经济影响付款(IRS 信函 6475)
  • 利息(表格 1099-INT)

If I have both 1099 and W-2 income simultaneously, am I still eligible? If I have both 1099 and W-2 income simultaneously, am I still eligible? 是的! 您仍然有资格获得联邦 EITC、CalEITC 和幼儿税收抵免。

如果我受 DACA 保护,我是否有资格获得 EITC?如果您参加了 DACA 并申请了允许您工作的社会安全号码,您可以在申请收入所得税抵免时使用该号码或 ITIN(个人税号)。


如果我是一名学生,而我的父母声称我是他们税项的受抚养人,我是否有资格获得 EITC?不可以。如果您的父母声称您是受抚养人,则您没有资格获得 EITC。

我是老年人,符合收入门槛; 我有资格获得 EITC 吗?是的! 你有资格。 如果没有任何受抚养人,并且符合收入要求,则您有资格。 如果您有受抚养人并满足收入要求,则您的年龄不是资格的一个因素。

如果我因为低于收入门槛而无需提交纳税申报表,我是否需要现在提交才能获得 EITC?The only way to receive federal and/or state EITC is by submitting your tax return. So yes, you need to file your taxes in order to obtain EITC.