Universal Credit and tax credit - Upper tribunal cases « Blog « Revenue Benefits

10 April 2017

Universal Credit and tax credit - Upper tribunal cases

Two recent Universal Credit cases have been before the Upper Tribunal and the decisions published:-

CUC/2924/2016 - explores an aspect of the right to reside requirement in Universal Credit where the claimant, an EU national, has been living in the UK for a number of years but appears to fail UC entitlement on the grounds that she does not currently have a right to reside.

CUC/2058/2016 -  this case explores the process and difficulties of claiming Universal Credit and Jobseekers Allowance on-line and, in particular, gives some argument as to whether the official computer system can be deemed 'inoperative'

And a recent tax credits appeal, in CTC/3532/2016, involves the situation where a claimant's childcare provider stops being registered with OFSTED - 

'In principle, if a tax credits claimant is unaware that her childminder no longer has appropriate OFSTED registration, is the claimant legally liable to repay any overpayment of tax credits relating to her childcare costs?  The answer, in a word, is yes