Tax Credit Renewals - agents with multiple tax credit clients « Blog « Revenue Benefits

17 July 2020

Tax Credit Renewals - agents with multiple tax credit clients

HMRC have introduced a new process for agents dealing with more than one tax credit claimant.  

Most tax credit renewals this year have been sent an ‘Auto Renewal’ notice. However, the notice HMRC issued to some claimants was missing some of the income information HMRC use to calculate the award.  In view of this, HMRC have written to those who are affected and set out their missing income details.

HMRC's message reads :

'Although selected for auto-renewal this year, self-employed customers must as usual confirm their actual or estimated income by 31 July 2020, otherwise we will finalise their award using the information we hold, and they will not be able to change it at a later date. Where an estimate is provided, as typically expected for self-employed customers, they will need to contact us again when they know their actual income by 31 January 2021.'

A new process has been introduced to support agents who contact HMRC to discuss more than one tax credit client. HMRC will:

As well as calling HMRC's tax credits helpline (0345 300 3900), claimants can get help and information on renewing tax credits:

On the GOV.UK website at 'Manage your tax credits'
Using HMRC's webchat service, via the GOV.UK website
By tweeting @HMRCcustomers or posting on HMRC's Facebook page with general queries
By using the HMRC App, available via your phone’s App store
Using HMRC's online forum (click on Tax Credits and You)