Tax credit checks - HMRC video for ‘You tube’ « Blog « Revenue Benefits

5 May 2017

Tax credit checks - HMRC video for ‘You tube’

HMRC have announced they have produced a video about tax credit checks to help educate tax credits claimants on why they check awards, what claimants needs to do, when they need to do it by and what happens if a claimant does not reply.

Links to the video can be found :

There is also an online channel available to customers to respond to HMRC about a tax credits check, available via the GOV.UK website

When HMRC undertake a check and send a letter asking for evidence, claimants will be invited to send the evidence to HMRC on-line using an i-form available via the GOV.UK website 

The letter from HMRC will have a risk code which the customer must use in the i-form. They can also electronically attach their evidence rather than send it by post. If the customer does not wish to use the i-form they can still return their evidence to HMRC by post.

Up to 5 pieces of evidence can be attached at a time of up to 4.5MB each in either JPG, JPEG or PDF formats and the i-form can be re-used to submit more evidence if required.