Social Security (Scotland) Bill - call for evidence « Blog « Revenue Benefits

30 June 2017

Social Security (Scotland) Bill - call for evidence

The Scottish Social Security Committee is seeking written submissions on the recently published Social Security (Scotland) Bill. The deadline for submissions is 23 August 2017 (see for details of how to submit). 

The Bill was introduced  by the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities, Angela Constance MSP on 20 June. The full text of the Bill can be found on the Scottish Parliament website. 

The Bill sets out an over-arching legislative framework for the administration of social security in Scotland. It was brought forward as a result of measures following changes to the devolution settlement enacted in the Scotland Act 2016. These measures give the Scottish Parliament legislative competence over disability, industrial injuries and carer's benefits, benefits for maternity, funeral and heating expenses and Discretionary Housing Payments. They also provide for the ability  to top up benefits which remain reserved to the UK Parliament and allow new benefits to be created in certain areas. 

As a result, eleven existing social security benefits will become a devolved responsibility. They are:

The following documents can be found on the Scottish Parliament website:

Bill as introduced (21 June 2017)

Policy memorandum

Explanatory notes

Financial memorandum

Statements on legislative competence

Delegated powers memorandum