Scottish Parliament Social Security Committee letter to Minister about Universal Credit « Blog « Revenue Benefits

27 February 2017

Scottish Parliament Social Security Committee letter to Minister about Universal Credit

The Scottish Parliament Social Security Committee are inquiring into the roll-out of Universal Credit across Scotland.

As part of their inquiry, members of the Committee met with staff responsible for administering the system and with claimants to hear how Universal Credit is working in practice.

From their findings, the Committee is concerned about unacceptable delays in people receiving the money they are entitled to leading to anxiety, hardship and pushing people into rent arrears.

The Committee has now written to the Rt Hon Damian Green MP, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, about the roll-out of Universal Credit across Scotland highlighting the evidence and urging him to address the problems inherent in the system before Universal Credit is rolled-out further in Scotland.

More details, including a copy of the letter, are available on The Scottish Parliament website, here