Re-introduction of the MIF following coronavirus easements « Blog « Revenue Benefits

26 July 2021

Re-introduction of the MIF following coronavirus easements

Legislation has been passed which re-introduces the minimum income floor (MIF) to universal credit awards for the self-employed.

The legislation that re-introduces the MIF policy from 1 August 2021 provides DWP with flexibility to manage the reintroduction of the minimum income floor (MIF) over the 12 months to 31 July 2022.

Broadly, DWP are to apply the MIF, in awards that meet the criteria, in the next assessment period after they decide that the claimant continues to be in gainful self-employment or, if the claimant was in a 12 month start-up period on 13th March 2020, once the balance of the period remaining on that date has expired.

From 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022, DWP can decide not to apply the MIF where the claimant’s business remains affected by the coronavirus but this easement is limited to no more than two assessment periods on each occasion and not for more than six assessment periods in total.

SI 807/2021 :  The Universal Credit (Coronavirus) (Restoration of the Minimum Income Floor) Regulations 2021

SR 209/2021 : The Universal Credit (Coronavirus) (Restoration of the Minimum Income Floor) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021