New DWP guidance - Universal Credit benefit cap earnings threshold « Blog « Revenue Benefits

10 March 2017

New DWP guidance - Universal Credit benefit cap earnings threshold

In February we published a blog post about new regulations that change the earnings threshold in the benefit cap for Universal Credit claimants. 

The benefit cap is a cap on the total amount of benefit that working-age claimants can receive. However, the cap does not currently apply to UC claimants where:

Following the changes, instead of having a fixed level of net income that exempts a claimant from the cap (currently £430) it will instead be based on the monthly amount a person would earn whilst working 16 hours per week at the National Living Wage (which will be £7.50 an hour from April 2017).

We will update our benefit cap information in the coming weeks ahead of the start of the 2017/18 tax year.

DWP has now published guidance to support this change. The regulations have effect from 1 April 2017. According to the guidance, existing claimants will have the change applied from 1 April 2017 if their assessment period begins on that date. If not, then it will take effect from the first day of the next assessment period that occurs after 1 April 2017.