Introduction of Universal Credit in Scotland - research briefing published « Blog « Revenue Benefits

17 February 2017

Introduction of Universal Credit in Scotland - research briefing published

The Scottish Parliament have published a research briefing on the introduction of UC in Scotland. The briefing looks at who can claim UC and some of the difficulties with its introduction. It also includes a useful glossary of common UC terminology. It also contains links to useful research on the impacts of UC on claimants so far.

There is a section of the report which looks at the challenges that UC poses for the Scottish Government and three areas are identified:

The report also looks at two related areas where UC will have an impact – Council Tax Reduction and passported benefits.

There is also a useful table which shows when local authorities in Scotland will transfer to the UC full service.

You can download the report from the Scottish Government website.

For more information about UC in Scotland see our Scotland legislation page  and our policy changes – Scotland section .