HMRC to close 0845 telephone numbers « Blog « Revenue Benefits

28 November 2014

HMRC to close 0845 telephone numbers

We have previously advised that HMRC are replacing their 0845 Helpline telephone numbers with 03 numbers, which are widely regarded as cheaper for most callers.

During the transitional phase, both sets of telephone numbers have been active. The intended decline in the use of the 0845 numbers now means that they will be withdrawn from service completely between the 8 and 11 December 2014. After this time, callers will only be able to use the 03 helpline telephone numbers.

Callers who use old 0845 numbers once they have been withdrawn will receive a message telling them that HMRC no longer deal with calls on that number and stating the new number to call. The call will then terminate.

Callers from outside the UK can continue to use the geographic numbers, prefix +44 1 or +44 2, provided for those calls.