HMRC tax credit survey « Blog « Revenue Benefits

14 November 2016

HMRC tax credit survey

HMRC Tax Credits are conducting research to look into how they can make reporting a change of circumstances easier for claimants. Claimants have been selected at random to take part and will have received advanced notification by letter. Claimants or advisers who are concerned whether the contact is genuinely from HMRC can check this here:  Genuine HM Revenue and Customs contact and recognising phishing emails.

A HMRC official will contact the claimant by telephone to ask a series of 22 questions, this will most likely be from a withheld private number. The calls will be made between now and 9th December 2016.

The survey is voluntary and the claimant can end the call at any time if they don’t wish to continue. Any answers will be anonymised and the claimant's identity will not be revealed in any research analysis. No personal information will be requested.